Rubia cordifolia is a perennial herbaceous plant native to India. It is a creeping plant that can grow up to 1.5 m in height. Its long and firm root contains an organic compound called alizarin, which is used to create a dye called Rose Matte, which helps to give the fabric a red color. Besides, the root of this plant has a variety of medicinal properties, which greatly contribute to human health.
Health Benefits
1. Indian Madder root helps to reduce inflammation, boost immunity and fight against cancer.
2. It acts as a natural anti-depressant agent as it has the ability to fight stress at its root.
3. In Ethiopia, the roots of this plant are used to treat dry cough, whooping cough, some types of cancer, and amoebic diarrhea.
4. Its roots are capable of treating conditions like internal & external bleeding, bladder stones, uterine bleeding, bronchitis, rheumatism.
6. Indian Madder root paste can be used to get relief from skin ailments like pimples, blackheads, itchy skin.
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