Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit native to Indonesia that looks like a pumpkin. It is also known as Pot Tamarind, Malabar Tamarind, and Brindleberry. It is very popular for weight loss properties as it expels a lot of bad fat from the body. The fruit is widely distributed in Southeast Asia, West Africa, Central Africa, Karnataka, and Kerala.
Health Benefits
1. This powder prevents the production of fat and also helps to reduce the fat that builds up in the area around the waist.
2. The hydroxycitric acid in this fruit regulates the production of fats by blocking the potency of citrate lysine.
2. It is recommended for the treatment of type-2 diabetes due to its insulin resistance.
3. The calcium and potassium salts in it reduce the level of antioxidant pressure in the pancreas.
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